
Real Property Card


Basic Info

PIN 01-38-40-011-000-00280-2 AIN 12683 Situs Address 845 SW WISPER BAY DR PALM CITY FL Website Updated 10/10/24

General Information

Property Owners CLARK ROBERT L JR
Mailing Address 845 SW WISPER BAY DR
Parcel ID 01-38-40-011-000-00280-2
Account Number 12683
Property Address 845 SW WISPER BAY DR PALM CITY FL
Legal Description HIDDEN BAY LOT 28 & 1/28TH INT IN ACCESS...
Use Code/Property Class 0100 - 0100 Single Family
Neighborhood 491010 Hideaway Is,Hin Rvr,Wind WF
Legal Acres 1.779
Ag Use Size (Acre\Sq Ft) N/A

Current Value

Year 2024 Land Value $ 300,000 Improvement Value $ 687,970 Market Value $ 987,970 Value Not Taxed $ 0 Assessed Value $ 987,970 Total County Exemptions $ 50,000 County Taxable Value $ 937,970
Market values shown on the website reflect market conditions as of January 1st, the statutory assessment date. We are prohibited by law from relying on sales that occur after the January 1 assessment date. Therefore, market values shown on the website do not reflect today’s market conditions, but rather the market conditions last year. In addition, the statutes require the county Property Appraiser to deduct for typical costs of sale (which include expenses such as commissions, title insurance, appraisals, inspection fees, etc.) when arriving at market value for tax purposes. That is why the market value for tax purposes is different from what a property would sell for today.

Current Sale

Sale Date 4/11/18
Sale Price $ 660,000
Grantor (Seller) WATSON TERRY
Deed Type Wd Full Covenant and Warranty Deed
Doc Num 2689919
Book & Page 2987 0775


PIN 01-38-40-011-000-00280-2 AIN 12683 Situs Address 845 SW WISPER BAY DR PALM CITY FL Website Updated 10/10/24
Use Code/Property Class 0100 - 0100 Single Family Total Finished Area 3,539 SF Max Stories 2

Features/Yard Items

Type Qty Size Unit of Measure Year Blt
BOATD METAL 1 167 Square Feet 1991
BOATD Treated Wood 1 348 Square Feet 2009
Residential Boat Lift 1 1 Per Each 2019
Residential Boat Lift 1 1 Per Each 2009
Dune Crossover 1 2970 Square Feet 1991
Jacuzzi - Residential 1 1 Per Each 2009
Residential Pool In Ground 1 450 Square Feet 2009
Residential Screen Enclosure 1 1895 Square Feet 2009
WALL BLOCK MASONRY 1 460 Square Feet 2024

Sales History

PIN 01-38-40-011-000-00280-2 AIN 12683 Situs Address 845 SW WISPER BAY DR PALM CITY FL Website Updated 10/10/24
Sale Date Sale Price Grantor (Seller) Deed Type Doc Num Book & Page
4/11/18 $ 660,000 WATSON TERRY Wd Full Covenant and Warranty Deed 2689919 2987 0775
5/26/17 $ 100 TENNE KAREN Quit Claim Deed 2640301 2931 0369
9/30/15 $ 100 TENNE KAREN Quit Claim Deed 2537518 2810 1951
7/21/15 $ 660,000 MAURER, JULIA E Wd Full Covenant and Warranty Deed 2528504 2799 2513
8/29/05 $ 150,000 MCLENDON, MONTE PARKER (TR) Special Warranty Deed 1868099 2053 2390
11/21/00 $ 0 MCLENDON, MONTE P SW JKL 1520 0040
6/13/94 $ 100 SELLER - see file for name Quit Claim Deed 1075 2346
9/3/87 $ 45,000 SELLER - see file for name Special Warranty Deed 0733 2470
6/1/83 $ 100 SELLER - see file for name Quit Claim Deed 0573 1856

This section is not intended to be a chain of title. Sales do not generally appear until approximately 1 to 3 weeks after the closing date. If a recent sale does not show up in this list, please allow more time for the sale record to be processed.

Value History

PIN 01-38-40-011-000-00280-2 AIN 12683 Situs Address 845 SW WISPER BAY DR PALM CITY FL Website Updated 10/10/24
Year Land Value Improvement Value Market Value Value Not Taxed Assessed Value County Exemptions County Taxable Value
2024 $ 300,000 $ 687,970 $ 987,970 $ 0 $ 987,970 $ 50,000 $ 937,970
2023 $ 285,000 $ 696,730 $ 981,730 $ 256,118 $ 725,612 $ 0 $ 725,612
2022 $ 246,330 $ 580,070 $ 826,400 $ 166,752 $ 659,648 $ 0 $ 659,648
2021 $ 189,000 $ 410,680 $ 599,680 $ 0 $ 599,680 $ 0 $ 599,680
2020 $ 161,000 $ 410,820 $ 571,820 $ 0 $ 571,820 $ 0 $ 571,820
2019 $ 171,500 $ 412,010 $ 583,510 $ 0 $ 583,510 $ 0 $ 583,510
2018 $ 189,100 $ 387,530 $ 576,630 $ 0 $ 576,630 $ 0 $ 576,630
2017 $ 216,100 $ 315,020 $ 531,120 $ 134,766 $ 396,354 $ 50,000 $ 346,354
2016 $ 212,100 $ 312,350 $ 524,450 $ 136,246 $ 388,204 $ 50,000 $ 338,204
2015 $ 200,100 $ 312,420 $ 512,520 $ 209,516 $ 303,004 $ 75,500 $ 227,504
2014 $ 27,840 $ 272,760 $ 300,600 $ 0 $ 300,600 $ 75,500 $ 225,100
WARNING: Significant tax increases often occur when sold. The Taxable Value and Taxes, noted above, may reflect exemptions, classifications and value limitations that will be removed at the time of sale. Homestead exemptions, agricultural classifications, and assessed value limitations are NOT transferable to the new owner. Following a sale, a property’s assessed value is reset to the market value & the new owner must reapply for homestead exemption & agricultural classification.
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