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A list of Free Data Reports created and regularly updated based on common public requests. See File Updated field for when the report was last updated.

Title Description File Updated Download
All Pools Parcels with pools including residential, commercial and industrial. More..
An Excel file containing information about all properties in Martin County with a pool. (PropertyID, ParcelID, Situs Location, Land Use Code, District Group, Legal Description, Subdivision, Pool SqFt, Owner, Mailing Address, etc.)
Download ( xlsx , 5.38 MB )
All Residential - Condos Residential condominium unit parcels. More..
An Excel file containing information about all residential condos in Martin County. (PropertyID, ParcelID, Situs Address, Land Use Code, District Group, Total Area, Sale Price, Sale Date, Total Appraised Land Value, Total Appraised Building Value, Total Assessed Value, Year Built, Owner, Mailing Address, etc.)
Download ( xlsx , 3.19 MB )
All Residential - No Condos Residential parcels (excluding condos). More..
An Excel file containing information about residential properties in Martin County not including condominiums. (PropertyID, ParcelID, Situs Address, Land Use Code, District Group, Total Area, Sale Price, Sale Date, Total Appraised Land Value, Total Appraised Building Value, Total Assessed Value, Year Built, Owner, Mailing Address, etc.)
Download ( xlsx , 11.5 MB )
Businesses Personal Property Tangible personal property businesses. More..
An Excel file containing information about all businesses in Martin County with tangible personal property. (PropertyID, ParcelID, District Group, Situs Address, Business Description, Business Name, Mailing Address, etc.)
Download ( xlsx , 1.68 MB )
City of Stuart CRA Certified Value Report Inventory Parcels that lie within the City of Stuart Community Redevelopment Area (CRA). More..
Data provides or indicates: property identification number, DOR use code, CRA description, just (market) value, and city taxable value. Modified Date does not reflect the date that the data is updated in this report, this Data is only updated during the Preliminary Tax Roll Certification (Early July) and the Final Tax Roll Certification (Mid October).
Download ( xlsx , 106.5 KB )
City of Stuart CRA Inventory Historical Historical data for parcels that lie within the City of Stuart Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) More..
Data provides or indicates: property identification number, DOR use code, CRA description, just (market) value, and city taxable value. Modified Date does not reflect the date that the data is updated in this report, this Data is only updated during the Preliminary Tax Roll Certification (Early July) and the Final Tax Roll Certification (Mid October).
Download ( xlsx , 1.21 MB )
Classified Agriculture Parcels having an agricultural classification. More..
An Excel file containing information about all properties in Martin County that have agricultural classification. (PropertyID, ParcelID, Situs Address, Land Use Code, District Group, Legal Description, Total Area, Total Appraised Land Value, Total Appraised Building Value, Total Assessed Value, Owner, Mailing Address, etc.)
Download ( xlsx , 495.33 KB )
Commercial, Industrial & Institutional Vacant and improved commercial, industrial, and institutional parcels. More..
An Excel file containing information about commercial, industrial, and institutional properties in Martin County. (PropertyID, ParcelID, Situs Address, Land Use Code, District Group, Total Area, Sale Price, Sale Date, Total Appraised Land Value, Total Appraised Building Value, Total Assessed Value, Year Built, Owner, Mailing Address, etc.)
Download ( xlsx , 1003.58 KB )
Martin County CRA Cert Value Report Inventory Parcels that lie within Martin County Community Redevelopment Areas (CRA). More..
Data provides or indicates: property identification number, DOR use code, CRA description, just (market) value, and city taxable value. Modified Date does not reflect the date that the data is updated in this report, this Data is only updated during the Preliminary Tax Roll Certification (Early July) and the Final Tax Roll Certification (Mid October).
Download ( xlsx , 440.84 KB )
Martin County CRA Inventory Historical Historical data for parcels that lie within the Martin County Community Redevelopment Areas (CRA) More..
Data provides or indicates: property identification number, DOR use code, CRA description, just (market) value, and city taxable value. Modified Date does not reflect the date that the data is updated in this report, this Data is only updated during the Preliminary Tax Roll Certification (Early July) and the Final Tax Roll Certification (Mid October).
Download ( xlsx , 7.99 MB )
Split & Combined Parcels Parcels within Martin County that have been either; split, combined, or subdivided. More..
An Excel file containing; all parcels involved in a split or plat/condo that created one or more new parcels, or all parcels involved in a merge/combine of two or more parcels that may have caused one or more parcels to be voided. The file classifies the data into three types: split, merge, or manual. A split indicates that a parent parcel was split to create a new child parcel. A merge indicates that two or more parcels were combined to create a single parcel. A manual indicates that both a split and combine were processed without creating a new parcel. The Details column identifies all parcels involved in this action. As this report gets older, previous tax years will appear as additional tabs in the spreadsheet.
Download ( xlsx , 72.95 KB )
Subdivision & Plat Situs Addresses Subdivisions and all associated situs addresses. More..
An Excel file containing names, numbers, and all associated situs addresses for subdivisions & plats in Martin County. (Subdivision_PCN, ShortDescription, FullDescription, Formatted_Address, Formatted_Address_CSZ).
Download ( xlsx , 2.27 MB )
Subdivision Parcel Counts All subdivisions and the count of parcels within each. More..
An Excel file containing names, numbers, parcel counts, and a link to view the subdivision on the county map for all subdivisions in Martin County. (Subdivision_PCN, ShortDescription, FullDescription, Parcel_Count).
Download ( xlsx , 96.42 KB )
Twelve Months Sales Parcels that have sold or had transactions greater than $500 in the previous 12 months. More..
An Excel file containing information about properties in Martin County that have sold in the last 12 months. (PropertyID, ParcelID, Situs Address, Land Use Code, District Group, Total Area, Sale Price, Sale Date, Book, Page, Legal Reference, Grantor, Grantee, Total Appraised Land Value, Total Appraised Building Value, Total Assessed Value, Year Built, Owner, Mailing Address, etc.)
Download ( xlsx , 1.15 MB )

The information herein is based on the Property Appraiser's Public Database and Official Tax Roll data.

All information in the following files are for REAL property only do not include TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY or CENTRAL ASSESSED. The value data is updated TWICE per year, shortly after July 1st with the PRELIMINARY values and around November 1st with the FINAL CERTIFIED values. All ownership data should be within a month of recorded data. The values you see under our "Real Property Search" are the most up to date changes if a correction has occurred.

Title Description File Updated Download
Current Value Summary (FKA UCAV) Excel File Layout - All real property. More..
An Excel file containing the last certified Martin County tax roll value information for all real property. (Parcel number, market land value, market improvement value, total market value, school assessed value, county assessed value, total exemption value, school taxable value, municipality taxable value, county taxable value.)
Download ( zip , 5.74 MB )
Full Legal CSV File - All Real Property More..
A pipe delimited csv file containing the complete legal description for all real properties in Martin County. (PropertyID, Legal Description)
Download ( zip , 1.63 MB )
Real Exemptions CSV File - All Real Property. More..
A pipe delimited csv file containing all active exemptions on real property and tangible personal property accounts in Martin County. (PropertyID, Exemption, Exemption Description, Applied to Method, etc.)
Download ( zip , 578.29 KB )
Real Improvement CSV File - All Residential and Commercial Improvements More..
A pipe delimited csv file containing the improvement information for all residential and commercial properties in Martin County. (PropertyID, Building Type, Exterior Wall, Floor Cover, Heat, Story Height, Foundation, Frame, Roof Structure, Year Built, Effective Year Built, Bathrooms, Kitchen, Fireplaces, Building Category, etc.)
Download ( zip , 1.76 MB )
Real Land CSV File - All Residential, Commercial, and Agricultural classified land More..
A pipe delimited csv file containing the land information for all residential, commercial, and agricultural properties in Martin County. (PropertyID, Land Type, Area, Land Unit, Alt Land Use, Alt Land Use2, etc.)
Download ( zip , 771.55 KB )
Real Master CSV File - All Real Property. More..
A pipe delimited csv file containing all owner and parcel information for all real properties in Martin County. (PropertyID, ParcelID, Land Use Code, District Group, Market Area, Subdivision, Building Type, Owner Name, Mailing Address, Situs Address, Legal Reference, Total Land Value, Total Building Value, Total Assessed Value, etc.)
Download ( zip , 11.59 MB )
Real Owners CSV File - All Real Property. More..
A pipe delimited csv file containing all owners for all real properties in Martin County. (PropertyID, ParcelID, OwnerTitle, OwnerFirstName, OwnerMiddleName, OwnerLastName, OwnerSuffix, OwnerType, OwnerSequence, IsPrimaryFlag)
Download ( zip , 2.69 MB )
Real SFYI CSV File - All Real Property. More..
A pipe delimited csv file containing the special feature yard item information for all real properties in Martin County. (PropertyID, SFYI Description, Quantity, Number of Units, Length, Width, Height, YearBuilt, Attached Description, Quality, Physical Condition, etc.)
Download ( zip , 1.92 MB )
Real SubAreas CSV File - All Real Property. More..
A pipe delimited csv file containing the sub area information for buildings in Martin County. (PropertyID, SubArea Description, Quality, Physical Condition, YearBuilt, Area, Perimeter, etc.)
Download ( zip , 4.57 MB )
Real Transfers CSV File - All Real Property. More..
A pipe delimited csv file containing all historical sale information for all real properties in Martin County. (PropertyID, Sale Date, Recorded Date, Sale Price, Book, Page, Legal Reference, Deed, Deed Description, Grantor, Grantee, Sales Validity, etc.)
Download ( zip , 17.59 MB )

These files are helpful for looking up descriptions for lists and codes used throughout the Property Appraiser's website and downloadable content.

Title Description File Updated Download
Building_Codes All sketched and non-sketched area building codes and descriptions.
Download ( xlsx , 24.56 KB )
Property-Use-Codes All property land use codes and descriptions.
Download ( xlsx , 13 KB )

A list of parcel/condo shapefiles and geodatabases that include the data fields from the Real Master, Real Land & Real Improvement data files that are found in the Tax Roll / Cama Export section.

Title Description File Updated Download
Download ( zip , 34.66 MB )
Download ( zip , 40.56 MB )
Download ( zip , 83.71 MB )

Creating Mailing Labels & Custom Spreadsheets

These files provide detailed instructions on how to create mailing labels from our website search tools, how to create mailing labels from MC Maps using the parcel buffer tool, and how to create custom spreadsheets.

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